
我有時候在想…那些捐款是否真的送到需要的人手里?  有多少藝人是為了曝光而參與?  多少宗教組織的目的也是為了曝光?  哪個電台所募得的款項較多很重要嗎?  所有的媒體, 有哪些是真正的報導了災區的實況?  有個小女孩, 已經很多天沒吃東西了, 你們的鏡頭還是直對著她, 追著她逼問!!  我愛我們台灣人, 我愛所有生活在這個我們稱自為家的小島上的人!  在電視里, 我看到那位失去了一切的女士因為家人安全, 對著鏡頭微笑時, 我哭了.  我們可以失去所有產物, 可以失去所有財產, 也可以失去所有的安慰, 但這一切都不比家人來得重要!  如果我們能在這個慘痛的經歷中得到正面的收穫, 我希望那會是生命的真正價值.  上帝保佑台灣!  台灣加油!!

Sometimes I wonder... Are these money really going to the needy? How many celebrities are really just doing it for exposure? How many religious groups are doing for exposure? Does it really matter which tv station collects the most donations? For all those medias, which one of you is covering the real story behind this disaster? There was a little girl who haven't eaten in days and you forced your camera and questions upon her! I love my Taiwanese people, I love every single soul that lives on this little island we call Home! I cried when I saw this lady who lost everything she has on tv smiling because her family had survived. We can lose our properties, we can lose our possesions, we can lose our comfort, but nothing is more important than family! If there is one good thing that come out of this horrible event, I wish it is the true value of life! God bless Taiwan! 台灣加油!!



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